preserve doesn’t change the MAC address of the device upon activation (e.g.permanent uses the factory-assigned MAC address of the device (the default variant).explicit MAC address allows you to spoof a specific MAC address.The following variants are available in the connection mode for the wired interface ( ethernet.cloned-mac-address) and the wireless interface ( wifi.cloned-mac-address): connected to network – this mode is enabled using the wifi.cloned-mac-address property.If the value is no, this won’t happen and an arbitrary MAC address will be set during the scanning.

Starting from version 1.4, this package supports MAC spoofing and many other useful options. The optimal variant for a hacker is to change the MAC address with every network connection. Note however, that the old MAC address will be restored after the restart. To check whether the changes have come into effect, review the list of MAC addresses again and make sure that the target interface has changed. Of course, you may insert any digits in this template. Now you can generate a new MAC addres: $ ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:11 For instance, the command below disables the eth1 interface: $ ifconfig eth1 down To temporarily change your MAC address, you have to disable the respective interface first. If you use Ethernet, type the command below to see the adapters’ addresses: $ ifconfig | grep ether Open the terminal and enter the command: $ ifconfig | grep HWaddr Let’s see how your MAC address can be changed without using third-party programs. There are special tools designed to match MAC addresses against geographic coordinates, for instance, the iSniff-GPS script included in Kali. The reason is obvious: if the real MAC address is used, it may be identified during the connection to a network. Pentesters and hackers hide their MAC addresses to prevent the identification of their equipment during the attack. The MAC address uniquely identifies the device and remains unchanged even after the installation of a new OS as it’s hardcoded in the network interface microchip. 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, etc.) has a unique MAC address. Routers and switches have unique addresses for every port while in Wi-Fi routers, each wireless interface (e.g. A device may have several such identifiers for instance, your laptop has a minimum of two: one for the Ethernet controller and another one for the Wi-Fi adapter. Each network interface has (or at least is supposed to have) a unique MAC address.